Friday, July 4, 2008

Wondering About Wonder Woman?

Well, so are the rest of us! I'm so pissed off that the Wonder Woman is being pushed back and completely ignored after they've been working on it for 7 years. And now they are developing a Justice League movie, which will feature Wonder Woman, but more or less be made into a joke.

Her costume is definitely going to be tricky detail for the character. Hopefully, the designers from 2004's Catwoman flop don't work on this movie. I have this horrible feeling Wonder Woman is going to look like a porn star, or a bad interpretation of a '40s pin-up.

And from what I've heard, an Aussie supermodel is going to portray the Amazon princess. That's it! Gag Me With A Spoon! This movie is gonna suck if they hire a supermodel to act. That's like an oxymoron. Anyway, her name is Megan Gale (who imo resembles Leona Lewis slightly).

Back in 2001, preparations for a script were being made for a Wonder Woman movie. Also during that time, Sandra Bullock was a favorite to portray Diana Prince aka WW. Luckily, a few years later, Joss Whedon, creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer was brought on to write a new draft of the script and direct the feature. Well, he left too, and the movie was up in the air for a while. It seems Warner Bros. were planning on purchasing a spec script. Which they did. Yet, Warner Bros. didn't like their WWII take on the heroine and had them change it to present day.

Then who knows what happened. All of a sudden, a Justice League movie was going to be made first. Jessica Biel was considered but she turned it down. And now Megan Gale is Wonder Woman.

Don't you just sometimes want to smack these studio execs?

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